Why Choose MLS?

As you consider the kind of education that your child deserves, think of these outstanding features that define the uniqueness of Mt. Longonot Schools...

  • Support & Guidance
  • Talent Discovery
  • Talent Nurturing
  • Personal Accident Covers
  • Child-Friendly Meals
  • Sports Program
  • Reading Culture
  • Unique Individuals
  • Individual Excellence
  • Non-Discrimination
  • Versatile Teaching Staff
  • Dynamic Curriculum
  • Strong Communication
  • Boarding Program
  • Collaborations
  • Parent Involvement
  • Smaller Classes

Mt. Longonot Schools Outstanding Features

  • Innovative, and challenging curriculum
  • Strong home-school communication to ensure parents are kept informed of their child’s progress
  • Thriving sports programme that include a Soccer Academy, Skating and Swimming over and above the other outdoor and indoor sports games
  • A strong reading culture that is facilitated by competent staff and enabling facilities
  • Unrivalled support and guidance to student at all levels
  • Exposure to talent discovery and nurturing through Music, Drama, Art and Craft, Home Science, French and ICT
  •  A friendly boarding programme that allows more contact between parents and children through optional weekend sign outs
  •  A broad and dynamic curriculum, designed to meet the needs, talents and interests of every student
  • Collaboration with like-minded institutions and professionals both locally and internationally
  • Involvement of parents in the daily welfare of the students
  • Small class sizes leading to better teacher – student contact
  • Treating all children as unique individuals
  • Emphasis on individual excellence as opposed to competition
  • Non – discrimination policy on student’s admission and Staff recruitment
  • Personal accident insurance covers for every student
  • A professionally managed kitchen that offers healthy, child-friendly and varied meals
  • A broad-based, well - trained experienced and versatile teaching Staff

About Us

A well-equipped Administration block with Music Room, Art Room, ICT Center, Infirmary and Library as well as the Reception and offices




+254 721 232 322
+254 711 232 323
+254 735 232 321

Postal Address

P.O. Box 2323 - 20117
Naivasha, Nakuru County, Kenya